Wednesday, December 7, 2011


December 3, 2011 (9am-12nn): Go (Leader), Plata, Lodero and Higino
January 7,  2012 (1:00 pm): Zambra, Galo, Garrido, Limbo, Molo, Cajeme, Trocino, and Avila
January 14, 2011 (1:00 pm): Azarcon, Sari, Guiza, and Songalia

Leaders, please coordinate with me. For those who have not submitted their hard copies, please submit them ASAP or else no schedule will be given to you.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Case Analysis 2 for Human Resource Management Classes

Case Analysis 1: Classroom Individual Activity for Job Design

Case Analysis 2: Visit the site below and write a 400-word reaction paper. No format. Just make your thoughts flow. Print it on a short-bond paper. Type single-spaced. Do not forget to write your name and Case Analysis 2 in the upper area of the paper. Deadline is at 5pm of December 6. You may submit them to me anytime before deadline.

Reading for Case Analysis 2

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Instructions for Practicum Students

Your instructions are:
  1. Please comment on this post with the following format FAMILY NAME, GIVEN NAME, MI
  2. State your desired company in the same comment.
  3. Click on this link for the Academic Waiver for Practicum Students. Have it printed and submit to me together with the other December 5 submissions.
  4. Click on this link for the Deadline for Practicum Students.
  5. If you were a graduating student for this semester, please have this printed: Academic Waiver for Graduating Students and submit it to me on December 5.
  6. Become a member/follower of this blog.
Thank you and I apologize for the inconvenience.

PS. Here is the downloadable copy of the MOA.

Academic Waiver for Graduating Students


I, ____________________________________________, a 4th year BS _______ student and candidate for graduation with the _______ Semester SY _____ as my last semester of enrolment fully understand that I have to comply with my academic requirements before I could be considered a graduate and would be allowed to join the 2012 Commencement Exercises.

I also fully understand that the said academic requirements include the submission of the hard bound and soft bound copies of my research paper in Case Study; and, the practicum requirements of 600 hours and its documentary requirements which includes the softbound copy.

Furthermore, I fully understand too that in case I have NFE remarks outstanding as of the said date of this waiver I would have to remove them by January 3, 2012 or earlier as set by the Dean.

                                        Signature and Printed Name of Student
                                        Date: ________

                                        Noted by:

                                        Jenelyn V. Garcia

Enclosure/s: ______________________________________

HRM Classroom Activities


Activity 1: (TTh Class- Nov. 29/MWF Class- Dec. 2)
Group Activity--- Portrayal of the Roles Played By Personnel Managers

Activity 2: (TTh Class-Dec. 1/MWF Class-Dec. 5)

#1. Read and take down notes from this blog. Follow this blog and earn one (1) quiz.

#2. For LEADERS only.
  • Vision, Mission and Values
  • Organizational Chart with names occupying the positions
  • Compilation of individual tasks of members and leaders

#3. Individual Task (Counted as CASE Analysis 1)
     Create a table with the following columns:
  • Responsibilities and Duties
  • Will be supervised by
  • Skills Needed


Deadline for Practicum Students

Download, fill-in and submit to JVG the ACADEMIC WAIVER FOR PRACTICUM STUDENTS.

Requirements for Practicum Students:

Phase 1
  1. Long Brown Envelope (December 5, 2011)
  2. Application Letter and Resume (December 5, 2011)
Phase 2
Copies of the Endorsement Letter; Terms and Conditions; and, MOA should be retrieved from JVG on (December 5, 2011) and returned to JVG with the relevant signature/s on or before December 20, 2011. Photocopy of the MOA must be submitted on the same date.

Phase 3
  1. Evaluation Sheets and Certificate of Completed Hours
  2. Two seminar certificates and practicum pictures
  3. Company history, organizational structure and evaluation
  4. Diary notebook and DTR Cards
  5. Soft bound compilation of the photocopies of #2 to 7
  6. A photocopy of the following: Performance Evaluation Sheets and Certificate of Completion
Deadline: Upon completion of practicum hours but you are advised to submit each requirement as completed/finished in order to avoid cramming. For those who would like to join the 2012 Graduation, your deadline is March 15, 2012.

Academic Waiver for Practicum Students


I, ____________________________________________, a 4th year BS ____________ student and candidate for graduation with the ___ Semester SY _____ as my last semester of enrolment fully understand that I have to complete 300 hours of practicum during the semester that I enrolled the relevant subject (_____ Sem of SY  __________) or else I have to reenroll it.

Furthermore, I understand that I have to submit the following requirements during and/or at the end of my practicum:

  1. Long Brown Envelope
  2. Application Letter and Resume
  3. Endorsement Letter; Terms and Conditions; and, MOA
  4. Evaluation Sheets and Certificate of Completed Hours
  5. Two seminar certificates and practicum pictures
  6. Company history, organizational structure and evaluation
  7. Diary and DTR Cards
  8. Soft bound compilation of the photocopies of #2 to 7
  9. A photocopy of the following:

a.   Memorandum of Agreement
b.   Performance Evaluation Sheets
c.   Certificate of Completion


                                        Signature and Printed Name of Student
                                        Date: ________

                                        Noted by:

                                        Jenelyn V. Garcia

Lesson 3 for HRM: Job Design

Visit this site for further reading on factors affecting job designs: