Thursday, February 9, 2012


Date:                MARCH 8-10, 2011 (9am to 5pm)
Venue:             ROOM 1 and PE Room

A. Criteria and Prizes

Team Cohesion ----------------------------------------------- 20%
Submission of Reports (1 non-compliance is 0) ---- 10%
Leadership (Leader factor only.) ------------------------- 10%
Impress Me Factor --------------------------------------------10%
Total JVG Points                                                         50%

Organization ---------------------------------------------------- 15%
Functionality of booth (OFFICE SET-UP)-------------- 10%
Oral Communication Skills of Team Members ------ 10%
Quality of Selection Processes & Implementation -  10%
Quality of Recruitment Processes & Implementation  5%
Total Team Performance as assessed 
                           by 20 judges                                      50%

Passing grade is 90%. If the team fails, the leader gets ZERO for PF project. If the team passes, the leader gets an exemption from the written FE and a perfect score in the PF project.

CHAMPION TEAM gets the P1,500 prize and exemption from the written final exams.

B. Minimum Requirements--- RECRUITMENT

1. Two (2) posters
2. One (1) tarpaulin -- width= 4 feet/ height= 3 feet

  • Name of Company
  • Job Vacancies
  • Descriptions and Specifications

3. Gimmicks
4. FB ABE Tacloban Announcement posts

*** Minimum of 15 unique applicants per job and there will be 4 job vacancies.
*** Maximum non-ABE college students who may apply per company is 10.


Feb. 13--- the description and specifications of the 4 job vacancies
Feb. 20--- latest start of recruitment

C. Minimum Requirements--- SELECTION

1. Application forms (All applicants)
2. Written exams (All applicants)
3. Skills tests should be documented via video
4. Interviews should be documented via video
5. All applicants must submit resume.

*** Follow the format given and do not forget to state the specifics of the skills tests such as what will be tested, who will do the assessment and who will undergo them.
*** All members must interview at least three (3) applicants.

Deadline of submitting the detailed selection process is on February 20.

D. Others

  • Budget is only P1,500 per team and the proposed budget should be submitted on Feb. 13
  • No solicitation will be allowed outside the family of the members and no solicitation letters will be permitted.
  • The prize of P1,500 will come from the P20 contribution of each student enrolled in the subject HHRM/HRM and any discrepancy will be provided for by JVG.
  • Business attire must be worn every day by the students enrolled in HHRM/HRM during the mock job fair.
  • All documentation must be submitted by 1pm of March 10 and defense of the HIRES will come after.

CASE STUDY (2nd Sem SY 2011-2012) DEADLINES

Chapter 1.
  • Graduating and Non-Graduating---- 2/10
Chapter 2.
  • Graduating---- 2/27 (60 index cards/sources--- 2/20)
  • Non-Graduating--- 3/20 (60 index cards/sources--- 3/20)
Chapter 3.
  • Graduating--- 1/31
  • Non-Graduating--- 2/6
Data Results
  • Graduating--- 12/13
  • Non-Graduating-- 2/27
Final Paper
  • Graduating--- 3/17
  • Non-Graduating--- 4/23
  • Graduating-- week after 3/17
  • Non-Graduating-- 4/25 to 4/28


Approved Questionnaires:

Kim/Bryan/Aileen B./Gemma/Ivy/Glenda/Tintin/Christian

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012

Case Analysis MT #1 for HRM Students

This is a group task. Best answer will be awarded 20 heroes (TEAM). Read online resources and/or other materials. Cite your resources using APA parenthetical format. Print on SHORT BOND PAPER; Times New Roman 11 and 1.5 line/paragraph spacing; and, maintain a one-inch margin on all sides.

Follow this presentation format:

Cover Page
Part 1. History and Background of the Company
Part 2. Vision, Mission, Values and Human Resource Objectives
Part 3. Organizational Structure (if available, if not please state)
Part 4. Human Resource Management Policies and Practices with respect to the following

  • Selection, Recruitment, Hiring and Placement
  • Appraisal including Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Training and Development
  • Motivation (including Rewards and Recognition)
  • Labor Relations
  • Discipline and Other Control Mechanisms
  • Other practices aside from those listed above that could affect human resource management

Part 5. SWOT Analysis on HRM Policies and Practices
Part 6. Report on Tasking
Part 7. Appraisal of the Performance of Group Members by the Leader.
           Use this format.
Bibliography (Arranged alphabetically.)

January 12, 2012 at 5:00 pm for printed copy. 
Email me ( before 9:30 am today the Tasking (Part 6).

Nikka's (Katherine) Group: Singapore Airlines
Christian's (Aubrew) Group: Wal-Mart
Richelle's (Karizza) Group: Coca Cola