Wednesday, December 7, 2011


December 3, 2011 (9am-12nn): Go (Leader), Plata, Lodero and Higino
January 7,  2012 (1:00 pm): Zambra, Galo, Garrido, Limbo, Molo, Cajeme, Trocino, and Avila
January 14, 2011 (1:00 pm): Azarcon, Sari, Guiza, and Songalia

Leaders, please coordinate with me. For those who have not submitted their hard copies, please submit them ASAP or else no schedule will be given to you.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Case Analysis 2 for Human Resource Management Classes

Case Analysis 1: Classroom Individual Activity for Job Design

Case Analysis 2: Visit the site below and write a 400-word reaction paper. No format. Just make your thoughts flow. Print it on a short-bond paper. Type single-spaced. Do not forget to write your name and Case Analysis 2 in the upper area of the paper. Deadline is at 5pm of December 6. You may submit them to me anytime before deadline.

Reading for Case Analysis 2